Ian Squire
Mission for Vision
Ian Squire was a good friend and partner of New Foundations.
An Optician by training he had a heart to bring the Gospel to remote areas of Africa and South America, setting up Mission for Vision, a charity to bring the Gospel through the vehicle of eyecare, helped by his wife Brigitta.
They both visited our Mission, Ian visiting several times alone or with friends. His trip in October 2017 was sadly to be his last.
On the 13th of October he, along with Alanna Carson, an Optometrist, David and Shirley Donovan were kidnapped from the Mission house, and Ian was murdered shortly after being taken.
He was a man devoted to God and a pioneer of ingenious equipment to produce prescription glasses in resource poor areas. He both trained New Foundations workers to undertake refraction, grind lenses to provide bespoke glasses, work that would constitute much of a Degree course in the UK.
Besides his tireless eye care work, and running a Dispensing Optician Practice, his overarching aim was to serve Jesus , proclaiming the Gospel , both in Africa and on the streets of Shepperton, outside London, passionate to tell the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
He was a restless man, always looking to declare his faith at every opportunity, serious in his study of Gods Word and always seeking a deeper level of knowledge and trust in Jesus.
His eye program continues, and we couple the delivery and development of community eye care with evangelism, to both honour his memory and to continue the legacy he left in the Niger Delta.

Ian Squire with Victory Okuboarere enroute to Enekorogha