New Foundations is a response to the call of God to go to the people of the Niger Delta. It is an act of obedience, and there was no great plan.
We are non-denominational christians who simply believe in the inerrancy of the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and in the plan of salvation for man through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
We seek to live our lives in the light of this truth where faith and action must inevitably meet.
Thank God He equips those He sends. (Hebrews 13:21)
Sometime later, the call was confirmed through a conversation with local pastors who informed us that we were simply part of the answer to years of their prayers.. Remote communities existed with no health care. There is high infant mortality and many preventable deaths.
Since 2003 we have sought to serve God in a very difficult environment. God has been faithful in leading the development of New Foundations. What started as a visiting boat clinic has evolved into two established clinics, and twenty fully trained indigenous Health Care Workers. We treat around 4,000 patients across remote and often inaccessible communities each year.
The mainstay of the work was, and remains, the establishment of a testimony to Jesus Christ, and His love for the people of the Delta.
This can be an arduous road as the Gospel has been much misused in this area. The call of Jesus was to make disciples , not just converts, which mean New Foundations had to become a integral part of the communities in which we serve.
A fundamental part of the training is discipleship. The workers regard themselves as medical missionaries to their own communities. We are working toward New Foundations becoming a self sustaining, Nigerian led organisation.
We thank God for the privilege of serving in this region and the wonderful brothers and sisters with whom we serve. It remains a great source of joy to serve the Ijaw people in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Dr David Donovan is a family doctor (GP) ( MA MBChB DRCOG DOM MRCGP)
Shirley Donovan is trained in personnel management and health studies (MA DPM Cert AHS)
The Mission has an appointed Board of Trustees, registered in the UK (1161188) and Nigeria ( 21019)