Again we have been blessed by a donation to complete the conversion of a simple mud hut to a two room clinic and workers accommodation. This is a challenge as there is no water, sanitation or power. Here the team debate how to construct a washroom, toilet and septic tank. The beds and equipment for the clinic were transported last december from the UK and have now been collected by the community to equip the new clinic. We hope that this work will be complete by August this year. As mentioned in the last news letter there has been some political shenanigans that has made continuing with the Vision Centre at Esanma community difficult. In agreement with our partners Mission for Vision the eye centre has been moved to the main clinic at Enekorogha Clinic. The building is very tight for space so we are moving some walls and upgrading the clinic to provide for a new lens grinding facility and refraction room, again only possible by another donation. Once more we have not actively sought any funding for this, testifying to God’s goodness. Overhauling the entire solar system we now have some daytime power and evening power from the main generator at the new Mission Station. Its still a real novelty for all of us to have both running water from a borehole and regular power.