Mission Station Complete!
In just 12 months the new mission station is complete, situated on purchased land that will be the new farm to help generate some funds to offset costs of running the Mission.
No request for funding was made for this building and was far beyond the capital reserves of the charity. God has been so gracious providing the required funding unsolicited in less than 24 hrs.
Medical Mission can easily lose its way as the practicalities of medical programs. Service delivery demands resources, finances, training and most fundamentally, time. The build was deliberately sensitive to local building standards and all the materials and labour were sourced from the communities in which we serve, so the money blessed all. The community greatly helped with labour and some transportation as we will make the main hall available for community and church uses.
The site of the new build is very remote on the very edge of the community and security is an issue. We have bought two guard dogs, though we remain to be convinced how much of a deterrent their presence will be, given how friendly they are!