'Tolerance is the virtue for
those who believe in nothing'
G K Chesterton wrote that ‘ Tolerance is the virtue of those who believe in nothing’. If there is no absolute truth then we can accept the good in all to make up the whole.
Jesus stated that He is the way, the truth and the life , that no man comes to the father except through Him. (John 14:6). This leaves little room for manoeuvre, the Gospel of Salvation does and will cause offence in this day of relativism, where Muslim speakers are invited to Christian festivals, yet whose faith denies the deity of Christ and His crucifixion. Alliance with Rome and a politicised marxist faith based on works prove the tolerance of a church denying the very words of Christ Himself. Modernists and Universalists who peddle a faith where there is no sin, no judgement, no decision to made concerning eternity are heretics born of the contemporary zeitgeist for tolerance and unity.
The Missionaries of old are a modern anachronism, prejudicial proselytes who spread a colonial contagion of western christianity. Missiology is the new buzzword, where we live our faith by living it before others in compassion and love yet never preaching the truth of the Gospel for fear of offence.
Many short term Missions seek to demonstrate God’s Love in practice yet never is the Gospel preached biblically in authority, and with power that those who hear may be broken at the foot of the cross.
Daily at seven we gather in the new Mission Station to spend an hour in worship, prayer and the Word, that we continue to look to the Lord in all things, and to keep Him central. After considering Joshua 24 where Joshua admonishes the tribes of Israel to ‘choose this day whom they will serve’, the boatman Pirikeme commented that the message was ‘strong and bitter’. Shaking his head with displeasure he left the house. Later in the week in discussion with our local Pastor our boatman, Pirikeme confided that after ten years in the work he had never truly considered the cost of following Jesus. Yes he went to church shouted the ‘Hallelujahs’ and ‘Amens’ but in his heart Jesus, was certainly not his Lord, possibly not even his Saviour. He was unsettled and discomforted. Our daily devotions and the pressing in to what the Bible teaches had brought a revelation that convicted and challenged, uncomfortable certainly but cultural, beige religiosity is repugnant to all. Spurgeon wrote, ‘ if Jesus is not Lord of all , then He is not Lord at all’.
In effective Mission the ‘broken spirit and contrite heart ‘ is what God seeks of us, and in this place, He can use us. Let us throw out the term of Missiology and return to the muscular Mission of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ which will offend and upon the rock of Christ we will be broken. Jesus declared He is the Way , the Truth and the Life, and a Truth is always an absolute.
David Donovan, 19/04/2016