An invaluable collaboration
Mission 4 vision joined us at the most recent camp for intensive training of three eye care workers, who, within a 10 day span could undertake refraction, grind lenses and create bespoke prescription glasses, quite miraculous. Ian Squires revolutionary PensLens lens grinder seamlessly cut lenses, all from two car batteries. This will prove transformative for people of all ages, including school children, who for many, lose an education through myopia.
We also have the opportunity to screen for glaucoma, that is the second major cause of blindness in Africa and unlike cataracts irreversible.
This young girl came to us, terrified, blind and desperate for help. Her vision had gone over two weeks as she failed to report symptoms of acute glaucoma. Note the large unresponsive pupils. These young women can fall prey to sexual predators, so we have have decided to employ her, to give her security, purpose and fellowship. We are still in discussion regarding how she will fit into the team, but we know both she and we will be blessed by having her join us!