The New Mission Station is almost complete with only the decoration and tiling to complete and the water tank to set up. The 300ft borehole should guarantee clean drinking water though E Coli remains an ever-present threat. We will then embark in the new year to build the chicken house for around 500 hens , a crucial income stream as we look toward the mission becoming more self sustaining. To this end we hope to buy some adjacent land for an orchard and apiary, and negotiations are underway. Security is a constant problem so two guard dogs are being sought, likely the best deterrent. The Mission Station is to be available to the community for gatherings, prayer camps , even surgery camps , so that it becomes an asset for all and thereby a common asset to protect from outside agencies Our new container arrives this month after a tortuous 2 months impounded by customs(!). With quality hydraulic beds, mattresses and an array of furnishings and equipment we can finally start services at the two new small community clinics deep in the bush at Oyangbene and Akparemogbene communities that are so desperate for medical care.