Deaf, dumb and a 3 day commute.
Tumaye works incredibly hard. She is both deaf and dumb and lives on her own. To make ends meet she farms a piece of land deep in the bush which can take her two-to-three days trek to reach. When she's there she sleeps rough on her farm.
Now in her sixties, she also suffered terrible burns from a deliberate dousing with boiling water. She recieved urgent medical attention at our clinic, was nursed back to health and has made a full recovery. Following her experience with us, she has become a friend of the Mission and visits the clinic almost daily.
One of the Trustees recently paid for a canoe to be made as a gift for Tumaye and our team in Nigeria delivered it to her this month. Something so relatively cheap and simple has completely transformed her life - cutting a 3 day commute to just a couple of hours. Something to think about next time you're upset about being stuck in the rush hour traffic